
Artigianato , Artigianato d'Arte in Normandie

    Arts and Crafts
    Meeting with fascinated craftsmen and artists talented height. They express their know-how through unique works according to their imagination and to their inspiration. For the public, the result is always a pleasant surprise... Only for the pleasure of your eyes!
27 in Normandie.
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Artigianato d'Arte a Condé-sur-Sarthe

Atelier Porcelaine et Verre

Mme LEFROU Evelyne 6 rue des Brosses 61250 Condé-sur-Sarthe (Orne)
Tel : 06 24 79 02 24  - Fax : 02 33 31 91 69  - Cellulare : 06 84 72 50 69

Artigianato d'Arte a Évreux


Tel : 02 32 26 91 16

Artigianato d'Arte a Fontaine-l'Abbé

Le Petit Scraperon Jaune!

Lafontaine-Leprêtre Audrey "Prolix" Le Grand Chesnay / 477, Rue des Chênes 27300 Fontaine-l'Abbé (Eure)
Tel : 06 82 16 54 92
Artist. Painter. "Prolix".
seen too on
Travel logs. Memories album. Scrapbooks.

American scrapbooking. Scrapbooking & crafts teacher.

Art exhibitions since 1995. ...

Artigianato d'Arte a Banneville-sur-Ajon

Couleur Bois

Marylene Renou le bourg 14260 Banneville-sur-Ajon (Calvados)
Tel : 02 31 77 73 93
The Color Workshop legno, è situato nel cuore di una città graziosa, Marylene a scoprire la sua bottega e il suo artigianato in legno di faggio e di pioppo. Luster, fathom, notte, appendiabiti .... ...

Artigianato d'Arte a Airan

Hameau de Coupigny

Fabienne Massieu 3 Route des Renardières 14370 Airan (Calvados)
Tel : 06 70 97 96 53
Membre de "Normandie Métiers d'Art" depuis peu, je travaille depuis 2006 le métal pour en faire des bijoux. Il m'arrive aussi de détourner des objets délaissés, toujours en métal, pour ...

Artigianato d'Arte a Ouistreham


BOUILLARD THIERRY 9 AVENUE DE LA MER 14150 Ouistreham (Calvados)
Tel : 02 31 36 16 13
Vetro filatori, gioiellieri di creatori, membri dell'Atelier d'Art DE FRANCE e perla d'Art DE FRANCE lavoriamo il vetro di murano, torcia e trasportare oggetti e gioielli.
I nostri gioielli sono ...

Artigianato d'Arte a Mathieu

Karen creation

Karen maison du bonheur - MATHIEU 14920 Mathieu (Calvados)
Tel : 06 48 39 79 78

Artigianato d'Arte a Moyaux

Atelier Plume d'Ange

Chesneau Sylvia La Feronnière 14590 Moyaux (Calvados)
Tel : 02 31 63 68 70
Decorative painting, Artisanal Creation, personalized and painted with the hand. To give color to the milk pots, to decorate watering-cans and buckets with coals with our grand mother, to offer a new ...
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